Dogs are allowed on the field. Please keep your dogs on a lead at all times.
The field is a recreation field, used for activities including sports and school activities. Therefore if your dog makes a mess on the field, please clear it up. There is a dog mess bin mounted on the fence between the field and the car park.
Falling in dog faeces while playing sport is not nice for anyone. But in addition, it can also cause toxocariasis, a disease which can lead to permanent blindness. As such, anybody caught not clearing up their dog's mess will be prosecuted to the maximum extent the law allows, which is currently a £1000 fine.
The committee is disappointed that this needs to be explained to people, and asks that anybody who sees this happening reports it to the committee, so that the perpetrator can be dealt with. Please provide photographic evidence if you are able to do so, to maximise the chances of prosecution.